As 2017 comes to a close …

As 2017 comes to a close …

It is hard to believe that 2017 is coming to a close. Many are ready to kick it to the curb in anticipation of a better 2018. Many are anxious about what 2018 will bring.

My work is my own private megaphone to tell the world (or at least my followers who want to listen), what I feel and believe.  When I reflect on 2017, I have so many pure “ah-ha” moments, that I wanted to dig out my megaphone and share.

My 2017 Reflections

• Jumping in with both feet is exciting, a little scary and beyond wow!
• The love and support of family, friends and clients is immeasurable.
• Validation will always be essential. It is a sign that you are valuable.
• Utilizing your purpose through volunteering is “feel good, amazing!”
• Vacations are best when you aren’t working and you can totally disconnect.
• Finding time to connect with people, not because you have to, but because you want to is so worth the time.
• Witnessing tragedy is an ongoing reality that continues to tell us that life is short.
• Pause, enjoy the silence … and listen. Someone has something to say.
• Take time to look back and reflect and then use your energy to propel forward.

Gary Corbett, the CAO for the town of Holyrood in Newfoundland, Canada says, “The people around us – the people we work with, share time with, converse and share ideas with, are really extensions of ourselves and therefore the greater they are, the greater we become. The key is to allow those around you to inspire you.”

I am inspired and fulfilled every day in the work I do. I am forever grateful for 2017 and for each of you who let me be a part of it with you.

Here’s to an exceptional and purposeful 2018!

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