Taking the Plunge

Taking the Plunge

Life is full of surprises.  Just when you get settled into
a routine, or job, etc., things change.  This isn’t to
say that change is necessarily bad.  In fact by definition,
the word change literally means “to make or become
different; to revise, refine, and reshape.”  That being
said, if change is a positive thing then why does it always
feel so freaking scary?  … Because it is!  Taking the
plunge on something new and launching into something unknown
is just that — unknown.  We don’t know if we will
succeed like we hope we will.  But if our hearts are in the
right place, and we truly believe in who we are and what we
stand for, then ultimately, we should be able to breathe a
little easier at night.

Which brings me to this:

If you’re not doing what you love to do, then
what’s the point?  Isaac Newton once said, “We build
too many walls, and not enough bridges.”  We live in a
world where there is so much we deem unattainable.  We
graduate college having taken classes that haven’t any
significance in our lives.  We spend the majority of our
hard earned money on bills and essentials.  And we convince
ourselves that we’re “stuck,” or that certain things
just aren’t in the cards for us.

Here’s the deal… If we sing the song our heart sings, whatever it
is that we want to accomplish can be done. If venturing down a new
path is what your gut is telling you to do, you might just want
to listen to it.

Deep down, we know what we want.  Whether or not we actually believe it,
we have the ability to change and serve our purpose.

Written by:  Melissa Mead

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