The Human Connection

The Human Connection

I admit it. I have been spoiled by Facebook and Instagram! Don’t get me wrong… I am a fan. A big one! The family, friends and colleagues that I am connected (and reconnected) with and who I get to share a bit of my life with and where I get to see a bit of theirs makes my heart happy. 

But in the past two weeks, I am reminded about the value of that personal touch and the opportunity to connect in person. I could blame myself for the lapses and for not finding time for the in-person connections, but the reality is, life is busy. For all of us. And that isn’t an excuse (because I’m not looking for one nor do I need one), that is reality. Husband, kids, volunteering, work travel and just life in general more often than not, keeps me from having that time. 

I found amazing planet alignment recently and was intentional about showing up, which can be difficult for me. The first alignment happening, I made time to enjoy coffee and catch up with a dear friend and colleague who I worked with over 20 years ago. I’ve watched her kids grow up on Facebook, but the opportunity to reconnect actually happened. She asked… schedules were navigated, and we both made it happen. And what a treasured visit it was! 

The second moment was by happenstance. While in Denver on business, I literally ran into a colleague and friend. We first met 30 years ago when we worked for the same organization. Have seen her perhaps only once in that period of time, (it may have been more) but with the goodness of Facebook, LinkedIn, and a mutual friend and colleague, reconnected. We found time to share a glass of wine and a meal and caught up on life. A kinship rekindled and a blessing in disguise for a million tiny reasons. 

I now find myself in Nashville a couple of days later with two of my favorite people who I shared great work and companionship just a few years ago and here we are together celebrating a life event in the wedding of one of their sons. 

And finally, touched by the gutsiness of a high school friend who recently relocated to Nashville, timing was perfect for a get-together breakfast. There was a window of opportunity to connect for a short visit and it happened. Different lives, different stories, but a beautiful re-connection. 

As I think about these distinct occurrences, I am fiercely reminded about the beauty of the human touch, the face to face laughter, the wonderful memories, and even the ability to share heartache. I am grateful for the opportunity to be connected to my tribe, my family and friends through social media when I can’t make the human touch happen, but oh so richly blessed when it does. 

Bless you: @dgpalladino @shannonspearcarter @shalyneyer @megan.boissettcollection @mary_donnelly_626

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