

Happy New Year!  May 2022 bring you peace, love, laughter and good health!  

I am a fan of Jon Gordon, author and speaker on topics such as leadership, culture and teamwork.  At the end of 2020, I stumbled upon this concept of One Word, the concept turned book by Gordan and two of his colleagues.  Check it out at #onewordchallenge

This is Year 2 for me for One Word.  STRETCH was my word for 2021 and I found so many ways to stretch myself.  As 2020 was closing out and again in 2021, I made a list of about 10 words that resonated for me and noodled them around until I found the right word… or in my case, for 2022, the word found me. 

Gordon said, “Instead of creating endless goals and resolutions for 2022, choose One Word to be your driving force for the year.  No goals. No wish lists. Just one word.  When you choose one word for the year it will become a chapter in your book of life.”

My word for 2022 is PAUSE.  Someone asked me why I picked Pause and I said, “because I can’t.” I know that can’t isn’t the most positive word, and I am in control of “can’t,” but pausing seems nearly impossible for me. Even though it is a choice, I know that not taking time to pause isn’t a good thing.   So, I am going to truly focus on it in 2022… and hopefully in my effort, it will carry me beyond this year.  

Hoping and praying that I can find moments to PAUSE on my 2022

#pause #reflectiontime #onewordchallenge #breathein #breatheout #workhardplayhard #loveis

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