The Human Connection

The Human Connection

I admit it. I have been spoiled by Facebook and Instagram! Don’t get me wrong… I am a fan. A big one! The family, friends and colleagues that I am connected (and reconnected) with and who I get to share a bit of my life with and where I get to...

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Helmet Stickers

Helmet Stickers

As football season approaches, I am reminded by the beauty of those symbols atop football helmets that make me smile.   Fondly called “helmet stickers,” also known as pride stickers, are stickers that are affixed to a high school or college...

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Find Your Bold

Find Your Bold

Johann Wolfgang van Goethe said, “Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it!” I find myself to be a fairly bold individual.  While I haven’t always been, and while not always...

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Managing Time

Managing Time

How many times have you heard a colleague or even your boss say, “There aren’t enough hours in a day,” or “I’m buried,” or “I don’t have time to get to that.”   Leaders have a difficult time managing their plate effectively and many things often...

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